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Drawer Magnet

The Industrial Magnetics drawer magnet can be placed before and/or after mechanical conveyors to protect equipment and purify products.

Industrial Magnetics Drawer Family

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Consisting of rows of round magnetic tubes that are assembled into drawers, the Industrial Magnetics drawer magnet has tubes that are aligned on alternating centers from the row directly above or below it. As product flows into the top of the housing, it is forced to cascade in a zig-zag pattern from row to row over the magnetic tubes, ensuring maximum tramp metal capture. When the ferrous metal passes through the magnetic field, it is held to the tubes and separated from the product.

The drawer magnet comes in Self-Cleaning, Continuous-Cleaning, EZ-Clean, and SimpleClean Manual Housing versions to facilitate the cleaning of tramp metal from the tubes to prevent buildup and subsequent wash-off back into the product flow.

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