Innovative New Controls Tech at PACK EXPO

Controls tech featured at PACK EXPO Las Vegas: The clever use of tablets, advanced air monitoring, a highly integrated machine vision platform, and newly announced technology partnerships were all hits at the show.

Antares Vision Group
Antares Vision Group

Controls Tech isn't the only area of interest at PACK EXPO. Click the links that follow to read more about innovations in:  Cartoning  |  Case and Tray Packing  |  Coding and Marking  |  Conveyors and Material Handling  |  Inspection and Detection  |  Labeling  |  Form/Fill/Seal  |  Food Processing & Packaging  |  Sustainable Packaging  |  Robotics  |  Pharma

To no one’s surprise the use of tablets—lightweight, portable, powerful—in programming and operating packaging machinery was a recurring theme at PACK EXPO Las Vegas. One good example was at the booth of Antares Vision Group, where a comprehensive, integrated production ecosystem called Diamind was introduced. This series of interconnected hardware and software systems operates at the line, factory, warehouse, enterprise, and supply chain levels to provide products with digital identities through manufacturing and fulfillment processes.

With a strong background in life sciences—particularly the inspection and traceability expertise required for the demanding pharmaceutical industry—Antares has spent the past few years building its technology and know-how for food and beverage manufacturers as well. The company has taken an M&A approach to its growth, acquiring 18 companies since 2019, according to Micaela Orizio, the company’s marketing communication director. Antares Vision changed its name to Antares Vision Group in 2021 to reflect its growing expertise, she adds.

Some of the acquisitions focused on traceability, some on inspection, and some on the food and beverage market, including the 2019 acquisition of FT System, a large player in bottling and packaging inspection, and the 2020 acquisition of Applied Vision, which specializes in inspection of cans and bottles but which also gave the Italian company more of a route into the U.S. market.

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