In the quaint village of Montreuil-l'Argillé, nestled in the heart of Normandy, France, Zalkin, powered by Pro Mach, a renowned manufacturer of capping machinery, embarked on a significant expansion journey in 2021. The decision to expand was driven by the need for greater independence in parts production, a lesson learned from the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the timing of the expansion coincided with the onset of the Ukraine War, adding an unexpected layer of complexity to the project, according to Laurent Fournier, president and general manager at Zalkin.
Despite this setback, the expansion was completed on schedule and dedicated in June 2024. The company tripled the size of its machining workshop, a feat that required meticulous planning and execution. It added 100,000 square feet to Zalkin’s existing 160,000 square-foot facility to increase production capacity, reduce lead time, and further accelerate company growth.
Bringing Customers to the Source
Founded in 1932 and acquired by ProMach in 2014, Zalkin employs over 460 people, 400 of whom are in France. They also maintain facilities in Mexico and the US and have 35 agents worldwide.
For more than 90 years, Zalkin has been a leader in the global bottling and capping industry with innovations, efficiency, and greater control over product quality. One of the new facility's standout features is the customer showroom, a hands-on space designed to support small local European businesses and global leaders in various industries—non-alcoholic beverages, wines and spirits, dairy products, food processing, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and household products. (In 2023, Zalkin had consolidated global sales of more than $110 million while exporting 80% of its equipment to customers in over 120 countries.)
“We have customers from all over the world, and the showroom is about helping customers think through what they could do to improve their overall quality and performance,” Fournier says, adding that Zalkin’s unique location also plays a role in providing a true customer experience. Located in the serene farming lands of Normandy, it offers a stark contrast to the industrial areas most clients generally see in packaging equipment facilities. He further emphasizes collaboration and customization’s role when working on-site with the half-dozen customers it welcomes to the new customer showroom in an average week.
“If Zalkin doesn't know how to make it, likely no one else will," Fournier says. “Approximately 80% of our capping machines are highly customized and tailored to meet each client's specific needs.” This level of customization extends to Zalkin’s research and development efforts, with a dedicated team of 13 people working on new product development and innovative solutions. Zalkin commits five percent of sales back into R&D and currently has 28 projects in development.
The expansion also addressed lead time reduction, a critical factor in maintaining customer satisfaction, according to Fournier. By increasing its in-house production capacity, Zalkin can now ship out spare parts within 24 hours, approximately 90% of the time. This ambitious goal underscores its commitment to minimizing production downtime for its clients.
Showroom as a Showcase for Talent
The biggest issue facing packaging OEMs and manufacturing, in general, is the difficulty in finding and retaining skilled workers. Recruiting skilled employees to the remote location of Montreuil-l'Argillé could be another significant hurdle to an already widespread issue. Despite this, Zalkin has managed to maintain a low turnover rate thanks to a strong focus on employer branding and engagement with local technical colleges. The company has also fully embraced sustainability initiatives, which resonate particularly well with younger employees. From reducing their carbon footprint to installing solar panels on the new facility's roof, Zalkin is committed to environmental stewardship.
The new customer showroom also serves as a recruitment and educational tool, showcasing Zalkin's capabilities in action with working equipment.
"We bring potential recruits to the showroom to show them what we are developing, the type of projects they will be working on, and how it benefits both the customer and the environment," Fournier says. This approach has proven effective in attracting young talent, who are increasingly looking for meaningful work that aligns with their values.
Zalkin's approach to workforce development extends beyond recruitment. The company strongly emphasizes continuous training and skill enhancement for its employees. This commitment to professional growth ensures that their team remains at the forefront of technological advancements and industry best practices. By fostering a culture of learning and development, Zalkin not only enhances its operational capabilities but also strengthens employee loyalty and job satisfaction.
The company's strategic initiatives are not limited to internal improvements as Zalkin actively collaborates with external partners, including suppliers and academic institutions, to drive innovation and sustainability across the industry. These collaborations enable the company to leverage a broader range of expertise and resources, facilitating the development of cutting-edge solutions that address emerging market needs. This collaborative approach underscores Zalkin's role as a leader in the industry, committed to driving positive change through collective efforts.
As Zalkin continues to navigate the complexities of global markets, its strategic expansion and commitment to customer-centric solutions position it well for future growth. The company's ability to adapt and innovate, even in the face of significant challenges, underscores its resilience and dedication to excellence.