PMMIU’s Risk Assessment Workshop scheduled for April 2 – 3

This special workshop will be held in Chicago just prior to the inaugural ProFood Tech show.

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Risk assessment is a process manufacturers use to evaluate their equipment for potential health and safety hazards before a hazard can cause an accident or incident. Many end users now require risk assessments as part of the procurement process.

Risk assessment is required for compliance to the ANSI/PMMI B155.1-2011 standard and for compliance with the EU machinery directive 2006/42/EC. Therefore, PMMI has expanded the scope of the PMMI risk assessment training program to include the important issues that generate the most questions from PMMI members.

The course outline includes:

  • Global standards – Why harmonization is important and what standards to use?
  • Risk assessment basics – What it is, why to do it, the iterative process, how to do risk assessment and when are you done?
  • Hands on risk assessment using Packsafe/designSafe® software.
  • Legal implications of risk assessment – new equipment, legacy equipment.
  • How to deploy risk assessment?

For questions on the Risk Assessment Workshop or to register, please contact Fred Hayes at [email protected] or call 1-888-ASK-PMMI (275-7664), ext. 4368. The workshop will be held on April 2 -3, just prior to the inaugural ProFood Tech in Chicago.

For information about ProFood Tech, scheduled for April 4-6 at Chicago’s McCormick Place, visit

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Special Report: Essential tools for effective sanitation