As someone who has covered the food and beverage industry for over 30 years, editor-in-chief of ProFood World magazine Joyce Fassl was our obvious first stop to help us sort through the COVID-19 clutter and news, and tell us what’s really going on with food processing during the pandemic. Are they safe? Are they all shutting down because of virus spread? What are the plants doing to keep our workers and our food supply safe?
Keeping Food Processing Safe During COVID-19
Pandemic causes food companies to cut back on product offerings to simplify supply chains and meet consumer demand. Labor crisis remains top challenge for industry, as COVID-19 accelerates challenge to make food manufacturing jobs attractive to workers.
Sep 24, 2020
Special Report: Essential tools for effective sanitation
Today’s food processors are faced with an ongoing labor shortage and pressure to increase production to meet market demands. That means less downtime for cleaning while adhering to strict food safety guidelines. How can a manufacturer overcome these hurdles to stay profitable?
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