NEW EVENT! Cutting-edge Trends for Food Products at PACK EXPO Southeast
Discover all the latest packaging & processing solutions for food products at the all-new PACK EXPO Southeast in Atlanta, GA, March 10-12, 2025

Integrating and Automating Enterprise Resource Planning

Deacom unveils its AutoFinisher tool to help food & beverage and pharma companies comply with FDA regulations.

Integrating and Automating Enterprise Resource Planning
Integrating and Automating Enterprise Resource Planning

Food and beverage and pharmaceutical companies are under pressure from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to meet more stringent quality control and serialization regulations. Within pharma, for example, there is a plan in place that requires serialization from the unit to the pallet. And for food companies producing catch-weight items, such as meat, that pass over a scale and are weighed and labeled, manufacturers must be able to capture and track that information.

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) software is often used in discrete industries to automatically integrate all of this information through the supply chain. But, it’s a bit trickier to do in these process industries that produce batches with a variety of unit sizes.

The challenge is to keep the speed of the lines going while capturing all of the serial numbers and push them into the ERP system. Or to weigh, serialize, label, palletize and report on production all within one cohesive platform.

INTRODUCING! The Latest Trends for Food Products at PACK EXPO Southeast
The exciting new PACK EXPO Southeast 2025 unites all vertical markets in one dynamic hub, generating more innovative answers to food packaging and processing challenges. Don’t miss this extraordinary opportunity for your business!
INTRODUCING! The Latest Trends for Food Products at PACK EXPO Southeast