NEW EVENT! Cutting-edge Trends for Food Products at PACK EXPO Southeast
Discover all the latest packaging & processing solutions for food products at the all-new PACK EXPO Southeast in Atlanta, GA, March 10-12, 2025

Robots Reduce Labor, Enhance Product Safety in Primary Food Packaging

OEMs introduce new delta robots engineered to meet IP69K ratings and with enhanced vision systems and end-of-arm tools to handle pick-and-place functions in food packaging applications.

The Harrier Bacon Draft Loading System from JLS Automation loads drafts of bacon into thermoform packaging.
The Harrier Bacon Draft Loading System from JLS Automation loads drafts of bacon into thermoform packaging.

Robots’ use in food packaging applications is growing as a greater number of robots adhere to IP69K construction standards for sanitation. That’s according to PMMI’s recent robot report, “2022 Robots and Cobots An Automated Future,” which shares that the primary packaging applications for which robots are being used are bag and bottle handling, container loading, multipacks, package inserts, pick-and-place, tray unloading and loading, and more.

According to a report from TechNavio, the food packaging robotics market size is expected to grow by $1.03 billion, with a year-over-year growth of 4.75% from 2021-2025. “One of the key factors driving the food packaging robotics market growth is the assurance of safety and quality,” explains the report.

BluePrint Automation’s (BPA) Spider 100v tray-loading syste replaces a traditional collate-and-load system and eliminates racetrack collation and potential jam points.BluePrint Automation’s (BPA) Spider 100v tray-loading syste replaces a traditional collate-and-load system and eliminates racetrack collation and potential jam points.One new robotics innovation for primary food packaging is a robotic tray-loading system from BluePrint Automation’s (BPA) called the Spider 100v. Explains the company, the system replaces a traditional collate-and-load system and eliminates racetrack collation and potential jam points. Recommended for bags, pouches, cereal/nutritional bars, and other flow-wrapped products such as frozen novelties and baked goods, the Spider 100v uses a combination of four- and six-axis delta robots and an integrated vision system to pick product and place it into trays, cartons, cases, and other secondary containers.

Watch video   Watch this video demonstrating BluePrint Automation's Spider 100v in operation.

The vision system is designed to pick random, unoriented product, which eliminates the need to perfectly orient the product prior to it entering onto the pick belt, therefore reducing floor space. The vision system also provides built-in product inspection, detecting double wraps, bad product size, and more.

The Spider 100v can accept product from bulk using BPA feeding technology and is built using BPA’s standard modular frame, which the company says reduces cost by minimizing wiring and reduces the footprint by eliminating bulky external electrical cabinets.

The DR-3iB/6 STAINLESS is Fanuc’s first stainless steel, food-grade delta robot.The DR-3iB/6 STAINLESS is Fanuc’s first stainless steel, food-grade delta robot.Also engineered for picking and packing primary food products is a new robot from Fanuc, the DR-3iB/6 STAINLESS, which is the company’s first stainless steel, food-grade delta robot. Rated IP69K, the robot meets USDA and FDA food safety standards, with a fully enclosed stainless steel body that is resistant to the chemicals and high pressures/temperatures required in strict wash-down environments. Notes Fanuc, the robot’s mirror-like surface finish ensures that any microbial contaminants can be washed away cleanly. 

INTRODUCING! The Latest Trends for Food Products at PACK EXPO Southeast
The exciting new PACK EXPO Southeast 2025 unites all vertical markets in one dynamic hub, generating more innovative answers to food packaging and processing challenges. Don’t miss this extraordinary opportunity for your business!
INTRODUCING! The Latest Trends for Food Products at PACK EXPO Southeast