Wesley McGheeSustainabilitySustainability Excellence in Manufacturing … more than just an annual awardProFood World’s Sustainability Excellence in Manufacturing Awards challenge the industry to do better and prove that sustainability opportunities are present even when resources are restrained and somewhat limited.September 13, 2019SustainabilitySustainability Excellence in Manufacturing … more than just an annual awardProFood World’s Sustainability Excellence in Manufacturing Awards challenge the industry to do better and prove that sustainability opportunities are present even when resources are restrained and somewhat limited.February 14, 2019Page 1 of 1Top StoriesHeating/CookingHeat Exchangers Play Key Role in Spanish Soup ProductionThis heat exchange product helps companies produce two of Spain’s esteemed soups.WorkforceAddressing Operation and Maintenance Workforce LimitationsWorkforceHow Operators Can Impact Asset ReliabilitySustainabilitySustainable Solutions for Packaging & Processing: What to Expect at PACK EXPO SoutheastSponsor ContentSanitary Liquid Drum Filling System for Food-Grade Applications