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Combi: Case packer for the craft brewery industry

Combi has designed a multi-function case packer that will allow brewers to maintain their hand craftsmanship while reducing labor costs and increasing throughput associated with getting their product to distributors and retail shelves.

Solutions tailored to the craft brewery industry
Solutions tailored to the craft brewery industry

One of the most tedious tasks for brewers is hand erecting their four and six pack carriers and the master shipping cases. This requires a large amount of labor and a large amount of space when most facilities are filled with processing equipment. Multi-function machine erects 4 and 6 pack carriers; erects the RSC master case; then case packs the carriers, creating a bottle-ready case.

Also offered is the Ergopack ergonomic hand packing station customized with a six pack carrier dispenser and recirculating conveyor for semi-automatic bottle case packing. Both levels of automation will enhance productivity on bottle case packing lines.

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Special Report: Essential tools for effective sanitation
Today’s food processors are faced with an ongoing labor shortage and pressure to increase production to meet market demands. That means less downtime for cleaning while adhering to strict food safety guidelines. How can a manufacturer overcome these hurdles to stay profitable?
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Special Report: Essential tools for effective sanitation