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Boxed wine aims high

Black Box Wines uses inside-the-box thinking to redefine packaging for super-premium wines in the United States.

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Last year Black Box Wines of Walnut Creek, CA, introduced varietals in 3-L bag-in-box packaging that it calls America’s first super-premium boxed wine.

“Our goal is to help bring fine wine into mainstream America by making quality wine affordable and convenient,” says Black Box founder Ryan Sproule. “High-end boxed wine has been popular in Europe and Australia for years.

“We are challenging the wine industry and changing the way Americans feel about boxed wine. We offer regular drinkers a huge savings on their weekly bill.” A Napa Valley Chardonnay that debuted in January 2003 was followed in October by a Merlot and, in January 2004, by a Cabernet Savignon and a second Chardonnay, all in the 3-L B-I-B.

The bag and integrated fitment are from Scholle, the box from Color-Box. The 3-L B-I-B holds the equivalent of four 750-mL bottles of wine. The suggested retail price is $25, or about $6.25 per bottle.

“If bottled, the wine would retail for about twice that price,” says Sproule. “Our savings on bottles, shipping, and storage allow for a very nice price break that we pass along to consumers.” A pallet load of the boxed wine holds 80% more wine than if palletized in bottles and is less than two-thirds the weight, according to Sproule.

The boxed wines have been sold through independent retailers and restaurants, but Sproule was expecting to make inroads starting in February with “big chains” including club stores.

Freshness and oxidation

Another B-I-B advantage is in maintaining freshness longer after opening. The vacuum-sealed bag inside the box prevents oxidation, which usually degrades a recorked bottled wine a few days after opening.

INTRODUCING! The Latest Trends for Food Products at PACK EXPO Southeast
The exciting new PACK EXPO Southeast 2025 unites all vertical markets in one dynamic hub, generating more innovative answers to food packaging and processing challenges. Don’t miss this extraordinary opportunity for your business!
INTRODUCING! The Latest Trends for Food Products at PACK EXPO Southeast