Miura's real-time monitoring solution--called Miura Connect--is being demonstrated on one of Miura's boilers at this year's PACK EXPO International in Chicago. Miura Connect is designed to oversee critical steam infrastructure and system health, helping operators make data-driven decisions and be proactive on repairs.
In addition to real-time monitoring from multiple devices and locations, Miura Connect also features data tracking and trending, alarm notifications sent to mobile devices, data report generation, cyber security features, and more.
"We can output all that data to a website and do things like send you text messages or emails if there's an issue with the boiler. It'll say something like, 'There's an alarm code on the board, go check out the burner,' or something like that. So you can monitor your whole boiler room remotely," says Andrew Eklind, marketing manager at Miura.
Miura Connect is available in two subscription packages--Basic and Plus--and comes with a Modbus output that is ready to integrate with a building's automation system. The standard Miura Connect package comes with auxiliary I/Os: 16 dry contacts, seven analog, and four thermocouples. Additional connections are available as a custom option.
"Boilers are the heartbeat of a company," Eklind says. "Usually, companies that use steam are using it for heating or processing. If the steam is down, then the process stops. So downtime is a really big deal, and one way to avoid it is to get ahead of the maintenance schedule and fix it before it breaks."