LAST CHANCE TO SAVE! New Trends for Food at PACK EXPO Southeast
Discover all the latest packaging & processing solutions for food products at the all-new PACK EXPO Southeast in Atlanta, GA, March 10-12, 2025
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CPGs, contract packagers and OEMs agree on top three challenges for 2019

More than 140 packaging and processing professionals from operations and engineering, including CPGs, Contract Packagers and OEMs, met in Chicago last Fall during PACK EXPO to discuss how to partner to meet the disruption in the market. The challenge is maintaining 80 percent of your business sold and distributed through traditional retail channels, while creating a separate process and logistics model to cater to e-commerce profitably.

Mass customization is a marketing and manufacturing technique that combines the flexibility and personalization of custom-made products with the low unit costs associated with mass production. While many companies are responding with “band-aid” fixes to get e-commerce packages out the door, process disruptions and a high rate of returns are compromising profitability.

  1. Finding automated solutions to mass customization, especially e-commerce, is the greatest challenge they face. Interestingly, focusing on enhanced strategic collaboration and partnerships between CPGs, OEMs and Contract Packagers is the best solution in their view.
  1. When it comes to equipment, smaller runs necessitating faster changeovers is their greatest challenge. Legacy equipment often inhibits changeover efficiency, as does a scarcity of skilled workers. So, it’s no surprise that Vision 2025 participants cite automating changeovers as the solution getting the most attention.
  1. Perhaps most perplexing for Vision 2025 participants is that when it comes to automation, they cite the availability of a skilled workforce as their greatest challenge. The real paradox here is that a lack of a skilled workforce is forcing many CPGs to automate, but that same automation exacerbates the labor problem as it takes an even higher skill set to reap the actual benefits of automation solutions.

You can download the entire 20-page report for FREE below.

LAST CHANCE TO SAVE! New Trends for Food at PACK EXPO Southeast
The exciting new PACK EXPO Southeast 2025 unites all vertical markets in one dynamic hub, generating more innovative answers to food packaging and processing challenges. Don’t miss this extraordinary opportunity for your business!
LAST CHANCE TO SAVE! New Trends for Food at PACK EXPO Southeast