FDA is extending the two comment periods for the Draft Guidance to Industry for Voluntarily Reducing Sodium.
- The comment period for issues primarily related to the draft short-term (2-year) sodium reduction targets will end on October 17, 2016.
- The comment period for issues primarily related to the draft long-term (10-year) sodium reduction targets will end on December 2, 2016.
The short-term (two-year) targets seeks to decrease sodium intake to about 3,000 mg per day. The long-term (ten-year) targets seek to reduce sodium intake to 2,300 milligrams per day.
The targets, which cover nearly 150 food categories, are intended to complement many existing efforts by food manufacturers, restaurants and food service operations to reduce sodium in foods.
Americans consume almost 50 percent more sodium than what most experts recommend. One in three individuals has high blood pressure, which has been linked to diets high in sodium and is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke. The majority of sodium intake comes from processed and prepared foods.
- Sodium Reduction At A Glance (includes Questions & Answers)
- Draft Guidance for Industry: Voluntary Sodium Reduction Goals: Target Mean and Upper Bound Concentrations for Sodium in Commercially Processed, Packaged, and Prepared Foods
- Federal Register Notice Announcing the Draft Guidance
- Blog: Reducing Sodium in the Food Supply