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MnTAP Identifies Sustainability Improvements for August Schell Brewing Co.

Intern program provides brewery with solutions to reduce wastewater and improve recycling efforts.

Mason Balster, environmental engineering major at the University of Minnesota, interned with Schell’s and found solutions to decrease the company’s wastewater surcharges.
Mason Balster, environmental engineering major at the University of Minnesota, interned with Schell’s and found solutions to decrease the company’s wastewater surcharges.

To reduce wastewater surcharges and the company’s carbon footprint, August Schell Brewing Company (Schell’s)–Minnesota’s largest brewery–participated in the 2020 MnTAP Intern Program. This outreach program at the University of Minnesota places highly qualified students in facilities for three months to focus on pollution prevention and energy efficiency solutions. Schell’s welcomed its MnTAP intern, Mason Balster, an environmental engineering major, to its team.

By reducing key characteristics of the brewery’s wastewater stream, phosphorous, biological oxygen demand (BOD), and total suspended solids (TSS), Schell’s saw great potential for savings on wastewater surcharges. The commitment by Schell’s serves as a key contribution to results of MnTAP’s Upstream Nutrient Reduction Project, supported by the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR).

Solutions proposed by Balster were:

Reducing Wastewater Loading which was explored through two avenues:

  • Incorporation of a spiral brush filter from Digested Organics to remove solids from the waste stream and reduce organic loading. This would remove 50% of BOD and up to 50% of TSS.
  • Use of an anaerobic digestion treatment system developed by Purpose Energy utilizing bacteria to break down organic waste and produce renewable energy in the form of biogas. This system is estimated to reduce organic loading by 99%, removing 430,000 lbs of BOD, 240,000 lbs of TSS, and 4,000 lbs of phosphorus. It would also generate 700,000 kWh of electricity. Between the savings on electricity and sewer surcharges, the brewery would see net savings of $190,000 annually.

Recycling Packaged Products by shipping them to E-Z Recycling where recyclable solids are separated from high strength liquids. There, glass and aluminum are recycled, and liquids are directed to either an ethanol plant or anaerobic digester for renewable energy production. This option would reduce BOD loading by 9,600 lbs per year. Between savings on labor and sewer surcharges, net savings would amount to $4,200 annually.

INTRODUCING! The Latest Trends for Food Products at PACK EXPO Southeast
The exciting new PACK EXPO Southeast 2025 unites all vertical markets in one dynamic hub, generating more innovative answers to food packaging and processing challenges. Don’t miss this extraordinary opportunity for your business!
INTRODUCING! The Latest Trends for Food Products at PACK EXPO Southeast