The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is collaborating with Stop Foodborne Illness on a webinar series, “Collaborating on Culture in the New Era of Smarter Food Safety,” which will explore how to develop and maintain a food safety culture. The webinar series will engage experts from the public and private sectors in a collaborative exchange of ideas and experiences related to the importance of a robust food safety culture in helping to ensure safe food production.
The first session, “Key Concepts in Addressing Food Safety Culture as a Science—Not a Slogan,” is scheduled for 10:30 a.m. to noon ET on Thursday, Nov. 4. The scheduled speakers for this initial webinar include:
- Co-host: FDA Deputy Commissioner for Food Policy and Response Frank Yiannas
- Co-host: Former FDA Deputy Commissioner for Foods and Veterinary Medicine Mike Taylor
- President and CEO of Kelleher Consultants Gillian Kelleher
- VP of Regulatory and Technical Affairs, Consumer Brands Association Roberta Wagner
- FDA Director of the Office of Analytics and Outreach at CFSAN Conrad Choiniere
- FDA Associate Commissioner for Imported Food Safety Donald Prater
You can register for the “Key Concepts in Addressing Food Safety Culture as a Science—Not a Slogan” webinar here.
FDA Reveals Progress of New Era of Smarter Food Safety Blueprint |
Stop Foodborne Illness is a public health nonprofit organization. Since 1994, it has focused efforts on telling the “WHY” of food safety with personal advocate stories. “We are a small but mighty team of six and work tirelessly to end illness and death due to something as basic as eating because we are all at risk of foodborne illness,” according to the group’s website.