See new food packaging & processing solutions at PACK EXPO in Chicago
Discover new food packaging and processing innovations from 2,500+ suppliers, all under one roof at PACK EXPO International in Chicago.

Bin vent requires no exhaust fan

Provides excellent air filtration of fine airborne particles from within a storage tank

Coperion K-Tron modular cartridge bin vent
Coperion K-Tron modular cartridge bin vent

As material is pneumatically conveyed into a storage tank, the Coperion K-Tron modular cartridge bin vent separates fine particles and air, allowing clean air to pass from the tank out to the atmosphere. Reverse jet cleaning from a compressed air accumulator pulses the cartridge filter, dislodging fines and returning them to the storage tank. Designed to be mounted on a standard 20-in.-diameter tank deck, the vent features a vertically hanging cartridge filter with shallow, open pleats and a plenum with a built-in weather hood and diffuser.

Learn more about filtration equipment at PACK EXPO Las Vegas, September 23–25, 2019 at the Las Vegas Convention Center. Register by August 30 to save 70%.

Special Report: Essential tools for effective sanitation
Today’s food processors are faced with an ongoing labor shortage and pressure to increase production to meet market demands. That means less downtime for cleaning while adhering to strict food safety guidelines. How can a manufacturer overcome these hurdles to stay profitable?
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Special Report: Essential tools for effective sanitation