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Spiral Oven

JBT's new generation Stein TwinDrum PRoYIELD Spiral Oven features airflow technology that significantly improves yield and saves energy costs.

Pro Yield

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JBT, a technology solutions provider to the food and beverage industry, has updated the Stein TwinDrum PRoYIELD Spiral Oven to feature double-impact airflow technology, which provides uniform cooking with consistent temperature distribution across the conveyer belt. The result is improved product yield, quality and energy efficiency.

The PRoYIELD takes the original TwinDrum two-zone cooking system and dramatically improves airflow consistency across the machine, enabling customers to cook products at lower temperatures. The result is up to 7% increase in yield for all forms of roasted and cooked food products, such as chicken wings and fillets, and a 5% reduction in energy use. It's also versatile enough to cook burgers and patties, breaded products, pork, croquettes, seafood, and ready meals.

Featuring patented double-impact airflow technology, the PRoYIELD ensures heat and color distribution over the products inside the oven, due to the addition of Computer Fluid Dynamics and an Air Equalizer to ensure perfect air delivery.

By reducing the internal temperature variation across the TwinDrum’s conveyor belt from as high as 6°C to a little as 1°C, the PRoYIELD ensures consistent cooking and product color across the entirety of products moving through the oven. The technology not only preserves product moisture and maximizes yield but also mitigates the risk of overcooking and unwanted weight loss.

“Getting an even temperature over the width of a conveyor belt is notoriously difficult, and it had proven problematic for every machinery manufacturer working in the industry. With the design that we have on our TwinDrum oven, the air rotates around the inside of the machine and down the spiral," said Teddy Svensson, JBT's lead engineer of the PRoYIELD.

“We developed a new heat-load model and found that the temperature was significantly improved from the original design where we had 5-6°C variation from the left to the right side, we got it down to 1-2°C."

The PRoYIELD not only avoids overcooking products, the dramatic reduction in the overall temperature variation means cooking takes place evenly across the whole of the oven, ensuring product weight and moisture is retained. The process also allows processors to save energy as there is no need to heat the oven to higher temperatures than necessary.

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INTRODUCING! The Latest Trends for Food Products at PACK EXPO Southeast
The exciting new PACK EXPO Southeast 2025 unites all vertical markets in one dynamic hub, generating more innovative answers to food packaging and processing challenges. Don’t miss this extraordinary opportunity for your business!
INTRODUCING! The Latest Trends for Food Products at PACK EXPO Southeast