NEW EVENT! Cutting-edge Trends for Food Products at PACK EXPO Southeast
Discover all the latest packaging & processing solutions for food products at the all-new PACK EXPO Southeast in Atlanta, GA, March 10-12, 2025

Upcycling Producer Rescues Produce, Other Foods From Demise

Loop Mission is working to save fruits, vegetables, and a range of food byproduct from landfills. High pressure processing has been instrumental to achieving this circular economy model.

Loop Mission began as Loop Juice, focused on rescuing fruits and vegetables to make cold-pressed juices.
Loop Mission began as Loop Juice, focused on rescuing fruits and vegetables to make cold-pressed juices.
Loop Mission

Loop Mission has as its founding mission to save the outcasts of the food industry—particularly fruits and vegetables—and repurpose them. The Canadian company started with cold-pressed juices but has since realized that they can find new life for all kinds of foods that would otherwise be tossed.

David Côté founded Loop with Julie Poitras-Saulnier (now his wife) six years ago. He had been looking for a way to have a bigger impact on greenhouse gas emissions when he received a call from someone at a distribution center in Canada who told him that the center was throwing away 16 to 25 tons of fruits and vegetables every day. After visiting the warehouse and studying the situation more, Côté and Poitras-Saulnier were convinced.

   Learn how other companies in the food and beverage industry are upcycling all manner of byproducts to use as ingredients in other foods, leading the charge in tackling food waste.

“We just couldn’t believe how much waste there was with produce that were still perfectly good for consumption but that were at a point of ripeness that it was too late for them to be distributed through the whole cycle of distribution,” Côté says, speaking during a session of Hiperbaric’s HPP Innovation Week. “Those fruits were perfectly good to eat, but it was already too late for them to be sat on a shelf in a grocery store for a consumer to buy.”

Côté learned that more than one-third of food is wasted worldwide. In North America, almost 45% of food is wasted before it reaches a consumer’s table. “And what’s even more shocking is that 80% of that waste comes from the industry itself and not the consumer,” he says.

Loop upcycles ingredients otherwise destined for landfill to make a range of juices and other products.Loop upcycles ingredients otherwise destined for landfill to make a range of juices and other products.Loop MissionCôté left the kombucha company he had founded and Poitras-Saulnier left her job as a sustainability specialist at a large corporation, she sold her house, he sold part of his business, and they invested about $40,000 in their new endeavor. First called Loop Juices, the business focused on turning rescued fruits into cold-pressed juice.

The Upcycled Food Association—an organization dedicated to preventing food waste by promoting the upcycling of byproducts and other leftovers—did not yet exist, and the concept of upcycling food was not well known. But what Loop was doing was getting a lot of attention.

“Everybody started calling Loop to tell us how much they were wasting; we became a call center for food waste for the industry,” Côté says. “And now, six years later, we get phone calls from people like Del Monte, Conagra, Kraft Canada, and Kraft USA. Everybody’s calling us to tell us, ‘Here’s what we’re wasting. Can you do something about it?’ So we rapidly realized that we were not going to be called Loop Juice for a while, and we became Loop Mission.”

The company’s product line in Canada now includes beer brewed with day-old bread, gin distilled using potato cuttings from a potato chip factory, and soaps made with rejected cooking oil.

INTRODUCING! The Latest Trends for Food Products at PACK EXPO Southeast
The exciting new PACK EXPO Southeast 2025 unites all vertical markets in one dynamic hub, generating more innovative answers to food packaging and processing challenges. Don’t miss this extraordinary opportunity for your business!
INTRODUCING! The Latest Trends for Food Products at PACK EXPO Southeast