Mars Pledges to Achieve Water Balance in High Water-Stressed Operations by 2025

Mars will partner with 30 other global businesses to accelerate progress against the global water crisis as it joins the UN Global Compact CEO Water Mandate’s Water Resilience Coalition.

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Mars is accelerating action to mitigate its impact on water availability in stressed watersheds, with a new commitment to achieve water balance at five high-priority sites in Mexico, which are facing the greatest water-stress challenges. The company plans to expand these programs to an additional six manufacturing sites in Asia and Africa in the near future. 

By achieving water balance, Mars will ensure every liter of water used at a site is matched through the treatment and reuse of wastewater, and by engaging in collaborative water projects that reduce water stress by making more water available in the watershed. 

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The action builds on progress Mars is making as part of its multi-billion dollar Sustainable in a Generation Plan to improve water availability and eliminate unsustainable water use, including its commitment to eliminate unsustainable water use in its full value chain, starting with a 50% reduction by 2025. It also comes as Mars has joined the UN Global Compact CEO Water Mandate’s Water Resilience Coalition (WRC), alongside over 30 global businesses to drive progress against the global water crisis. The coalition aims to increase investments in innovative solutions to the water-climate crisis and encourage collective action to build water resilience in high water stressed regions. 

Chief Executive Officer of Mars Grant Reid says, “Across the world, water availability is at a crisis point, and it’s being exacerbated by the effects of climate change. It’s clear we all have a critical part to play in mitigating our impact on water supplies, and to protect the health of global communities. 

“At Mars, this includes working to eliminate unsustainable water use across our entire value chain and taking action to ensure we mitigate the impact of our operations on high water-stressed regions.  Collaboration will be key, and we’ll work with partners and local communities to deliver meaningful impact.”

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