Cargill Working Toward Seafood Sustainability

A new Cargill program aims to reduce the carbon footprint of fish farming by focusing on responsibly sourced feed and optimized supply chains.

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Cargill has launched its SeaFurther Sustainability initiative, a program that will help aqua farmers raise more sustainable seafood with less environmental impact to attain a more sustainable future for the world’s oceans. To accomplish this, Cargill will be working closely with its partners to identify and source novel ingredients that create more sustainable feed and supply chains, while finding ways to reuse by-products, such as fish trimmings, that would normally be discarded. The program is aiming to help save 2 billion kilograms of CO2 by 2030.

The SeaFurther Sustainability initiative will initially focus on salmon farming, with a goal of reducing the footprint of farmed salmon 30% by 2030. Cargill has plans to add other species to the program in the near future.

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