Innovative breakfast concept wins packaging competition

PackChallenge 2017’s winning packaging solution includes a digital platform that encourages teens to eat breakfast.

Daniela Röstlund and Sukena Tran of the Berghs School of Communication won PackChallenge 2017 with their Breakfast Stories concept, which features packaging with a QR code that takes users to a website highlighting why teens should eat breakfast. Photo co
Daniela Röstlund and Sukena Tran of the Berghs School of Communication won PackChallenge 2017 with their Breakfast Stories concept, which features packaging with a QR code that takes users to a website highlighting why teens should eat breakfast. Photo co

We all know breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And students at the Berghs School of Communication in Stockholm, Sweden, hope to spread that message to teenagers with a packaging solution they developed that won an annual packaging contest sponsored by BillerudKorsnäs.

Daniela Röstlund and Sukena Tran created the winning concept as part of PackChallenge 2017, a competition that gives design students at the Berghs School of Communication the opportunity to address the challenges facing the future of packaging. The 10 groups of participants in this year’s competition created packaging and corresponding digital platforms to help Arla Foods, one of the world’s largest dairy producers, reach and engage young consumers.

Röstlund and Tran created the Breakfast Stories packaging concept to encourage teenagers to eat breakfast. Studies show that 20 percent to 30 percent of teens skip breakfast almost every day, which leads to stress, nutrient deficiency and insomnia. Röstlund and Tran’s concept features portable, single-use packaging with colorful, modern, youth-oriented graphics and a QR code that gives teens and their parents access to a website where they can share their stories about healthy breakfast habits. The website also includes breakfast recipes, information about the benefits and importance of eating breakfast, and the chance to chat with others online about the topic.

The judging committee evaluated the entries based on originality, relevance and feasibility. One submission included eco-friendly packaging made of natural plastic from nonfood milk proteins. It also has a QR code that directs users to a website that has information about Arla Cares, which are environmental and social responsibility projects that Arla funds, and encourages users to join with Arla and donate money to support those projects. Another submission features packaging with 1980s gaming graphics and QR codes that offer free rewards once the user scans a certain number of codes and participates in specific gaming events.

To learn more about PackChallenge and to see all the contest entries, please visit

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